
What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning uses a scalpel to gently shave the face removing the dead skin off the surface of the skin and peach fuzz. This exfoliation encourages the growth of new skin cells.

What are the benefits of dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning removes dirt and oil accumulation on the surface of the skin. It helps to minimize the appearance of superficial acne scarring and diminish the look of fine lines. It can also brighten the skin and allow for a smoother foundation application and deeper penetration of any skincare products.

Will dermaplaning cause breakouts?

Dermaplaning should not cause breakouts. The removal of the dead skin, oils, and dirt should temporarily prevent the breakouts they would have caused.

Does dermaplaning hurt?

No, it feels much like shaving.

Is there any downtime necessary after dermaplaning?

You may see some light redness from the exfoliation. Other than that you should be fine.

Can I put on makeup after my appointment?

It is recommended that you let your skin breathe for the rest of the day. It is okay to use moisturizing skincare products; your skin will absorb them better after the treatment.

Will the shaving make my hair grow back thicker?

Shaving will not make the hair grow back darker or thicker. Though, it may feel different because the hair was cut straight across.

How often is dermaplaning necessary?

It is suggested that you wait at least a month between dermaplaning treatments. 

Will my skin be more sensitive to the sun after?

Yes. You should use at least spf 30.

How long does the treatment take?

About 30 minutes.

What should I avoid after my treatment?

Avoid skincare with retinol and glycolic acids. Instead use a rich moisturizer or a product with hyaluronic acid.